What’s Your Story?

I Choose ME is about making positive choices that lead to a positive life. And we want to hear about them directly from you! 

Why do you choose not to use drugs or alcohol?

Maybe you want to stay in peak physical shape to reach your athletic goals. It could be that you want to get to first chair in orchestra class or exhibit your art in a local gallery. Perhaps you want to stay at the top of your mental game to compete in academic tournaments or get a scholarship.

Who inspired you to stay clear of substances?

Did someone special to you lead by example? Did a sports legend, musician, or artistic mentor’s success encourage you to stay clean? Or, did someone in your life suffer from substance misuse, and it showed you the dark side of when it stops being a weekend party thing and becomes their whole life?

How can you be heard?

Your voice matters! We want to hear about your motivations. What drives you to chase after your dreams and stay sober? Consider sharing your story with us and expressing your unique point of view by connecting with others on the I Choose ME wall. Feel free to submit text only or to include a pic and social handles.

The I Choose ME Prevention Initiative

The I Choose ME Prevention Initiative

I Choose ME is dedicated to improving lives. We want to help fix the painful mistake that leads so many youths and families to addiction, overdoses, drug poisoning, and overall sadness. Through inspiration and education, we want to encourage you to channel your energy into everything that shows how amazing you are.

Brevard Prevention Coalition is an ONDCP Drug-Free Communities Coalition. Brevard Prevention Coalition and the I Choose ME initiative are also sponsored in part by Central Florida Cares Health System, Inc. and the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families.